Please note that due to a change in the web domain, the e-mail address for contact for #ADTRE is: [email protected]
For many months the topic of refugees does not come down from the front pages of newspapers and websites, opens all the news on radio and television. The discussion on Internet fora shows how important it this matter is for Europe, but also how much anxiety it causes, such as lack of reliable and practical information.
Europe needs a population of more integration and inclusion to allow their citizens to actively participate in democratic social life. Education and work with young people play a key role in countering violent radicalization of young people by providing them with trained youth workers through common European values, to promote integration processes, intercultural understanding and strengthen the sense of belonging to the community in which they live. The "New challenges for Europe in the face of the immigration crisis" was therefore an important event for promoting inclusion of people from disadvantaged backgrounds, especially newly arrived migrants, in response to the dramatic events affecting the European countries. The primary objective of the training was to provide knowledge about immigrants and people of foreign origin living in the country, to identify the problems they face, the analysis of practices, identify good practices, changing reality and awareness, diagnosis and prognosis, a strategy of integration. The training aimed to raise awareness of the fight against racism and discrimination and increase awareness of human rights among the members of youth organizations. These activities were also an opportunity for youth workers to acquire the competencies to meet the needs of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds regarding the current situation of young migrants, refugees and people who constitute asylum-seekers.
"2beUropean" is an international initiative, created on the basis of a wide range of experiences of five organizations: Scambieuropei (Italy), ADTRE (Romania), Balkans Foundation (Bulgaria) and Magna Carta (Turkey).
The project was implemented between 02/12/2014 and 9/12/2014 by hosting organization - Fundacja Młodzi dla Europy. Which was a first international project under the Erasmus + implemented by mentioned organization. In place of action was chosen Recreation Center "Relax" in Wisła (Poland). Nowadays, reforming the state public education sector, in which it also follows the process of dissemination of assumptions non-formal education and intercultural learning. It is these two aspects are perceived as key elements of development of civil society, and thus, one of the most important goals of becoming a recognition, especially non-formal learning competencies. But here is a problem. Young people, conquering new and already having some competence and knowledge, make basic mistakes in the documents, certifying their actual skills. Certificates often contain misspellings, grammatical, are confusing, inconsistent and contain vague descriptions. Therefore, the main objective of the project was to raise awareness of young people, leaders, youth workers in such areas as non-formal education and the importance of certification of this knowledge by means of European standards, such as Youthpass and Europass. One of the most important aspects is to develop and broaden awareness of this type of knowledge, especially non-formal education competencies so that the most effective way to achieve this goal was to invite people who work in this sector and to share their ideas and experience. During the international meeting, 30 people from five countries worked together on issues such as: -concept of creating Youthpass and Europass -group of 8 key competences, -possibility of Erasmus Programme + -developing their skills in planning strategy for non-formal education and intercultural education. The meeting was also an extraordinary opportunity to develop a strategy for a better understanding of youth work and non-formal education itself, the exchange of experiences, methods and tools. The whole training was carried out according to pre-established, with foreign partners, based on non-formal education methods. The system of classes and thematic blocks take into account the needs of the participants, giving them the opportunity to use the time in the most efficient way. While such projects that are possible through the Erasmus +, become visible the real needs of young people. Extremely important they are the assumptions theme, substantive, but also just as important is the ability to stay in an intercultural environment that makes us more open-minded, self-confident, we break their weaknesses, and sometimes shame, and through subsequent analyzes, own reflections and knowledge, we more valuable people. |